Scale Your Sales With AI-Powered Workshops

A quick action toolkit to nail your most magnetic workshop topic, plus create content to promote it and so much more in less than 30 minutes using AI as your personal “workshop assistant”.

“I want AI to help me nail my paid workshop topic, messaging and promo content in the next 30 minutes so I can build my authority, serve more people and make more sales ASAP.”

Me, "Say less! I've got you!"

Train AI to operate as your marketing thought partner (so it gives you great output whether you’re working on workshops or anything else for your business) AND start bringing your paid workshop to life with 23 copy-and-paste AI prompts, 26-minute AI workshop workflow training and my signature Scalable Workshop Sales System mini workshopfor only $17.

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Don't miss this offer!

Special one-time offer, only $24!
Get instant access to 50+ swipe files and ready-to-use templates for every stage of your workshop process from promotion to delivery and beyond.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

WHAT'S IN The AI Workshop toolkit?

5 Step AI Workshop Workflow Process w/fillable Google Doc 

24 Minute, Super-Actionable AI Workshop Workflow Video Training

23+ copy-and-paste prompts to make AI your go-to marketing thought partner for workshops and more 

 Real examples of the entire process in action for real businesses

 Bonus: Scalable Workshop Sales System Mini Workshop ($47 value)

 Bonus: High Converting Workshop Registration Page Walkthrough + Template ($197 value)

Here’s what other business owners are saying

Ready to create high impact workshops that sell out, build your authority and move dream clients from “Idk what I need so I guess I’ll keep throwing spaghetti at the wall” to “omg yesss, done, sold. This is the exact solution I need…buy button please!” in a single sitting?

  • Identify the best workshop topics to provide a high-value a quick win for people while moving ideal clients to enroll in your other offer(s) with my proven AI Workshop Workflow.

  • Master the way you talk about your workshop (i.e. positioning) so ideal clients RUN to save their spot the moment you open registration.

  • Get 80+ personalized, specific content ideas to promote your workshop in a way that feels good to you. 

  • Train AI to be your marketing thought partner for EVERYTHING in business with copy-and-paste content prompts you can use again and again to get great output from AI without spinning your wheels or spending hours down distracting rabbit holes.

  • Understand how to leverage paid workshops to scale your sales process so you can 2-4x your income and impact in the next 6-12 mos without having to hustle on social media or spend a bunch of $$ on ads.

  • See real examples of the AI Workshop Workflow and Scalable Workshop Sales System in action helping business owners sell everything from 1:1 services to group programs to memberships and more.

  • Total payment
  • 1xAI Workshop Toolkit$17

All prices in USD

AnnMarie Rose is an Online Business Strategist & Offer Alignment Expert with nearly a decade of experience helping coaches, consultants and service providers leverage their zone of genius to step into their next season of business growth with clarity, confidence and strategic intention. 

 She and her team have helped hundreds of business owners pivot and scale with ease by aligning their business model with their vision, refining their offer suite, clarifying their brand message, and streamlining their marketing and sales systems so they can elevate their impact and income without overwhelm, chaos or burnout. 

 When AnnMarie isn't working, you can catch her sweating it out at a local fitness studio, pulling tarot cards and journaling, sipping wine or coffee with girlfriends at one of her go-to spots downtown San Diego or doing something fun with her husband and business partner, Jeremy, and her son, Grant.
