February 2nd, 2023

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ACE Your Core Offer is an interactive workshop for women coaches, consultants & industry experts who want to develop (or improve) a dreamy signature offer that creates more profitability, consistency and freedom in their business.

What's included:

  • 4 Hour Interactive Workshop
  • Lifetime Replay Access so you can revisit the workshop content anytime
  • Laser Group Consulting with AnnMarie
  • Bonus 1:1 Follow Up Consult with AnnMarie to get even more direct support after the workshop experience ($2200 Value!)

  • Total payment
  • 1xACE Your Core Offer Workshop$24

All prices in USD

"I have 8 calls scheduled with clients that want to know more. AND 1 sale of my small offer I launched it last week and got a great testimonial back." - Cassi Billingsley, Past ACE Workshop Attendee
